Increase the odds of a live birth by 91% & Increase Natural Fertility by up to 70%

Let me show you how to Get Pregnant & Stay Pregnant

Reveal the Root Problem

Apply Proven Treatment

Get Pregnant & Have a Baby

The average Fertility clinic live birth rate is just 20.2%. My clinic has an 82% live birth rate. If you want to get pregnant and have a child, particularly before going through IVF or IUI I can likely save you thousands and months of heartbreak with ONE SIMPLE technique.

Are You Worried About Why You Haven't Fallen Pregnant Yet?

Devastated Each Month When Your Period Arrives?

Are You Attempting IVF, IUI and doing everything possible to improve that result? Or are you suffering with...

  • PCOS

  • Low Ovarian Reserve

  • Low AMH

  • Endometriosis

  • Thyroid or Hormone Imbalances

  • Unexplained Infertility

I can help

I have spent nearly 20 years as Ireland's most successful natural fertility expert (That's me with one of my little successes above). I have a desk covered in photographs of my client's miracle babies. These are proven results, backed by science.

And each of my patients was in the same place you are right now. They didn't know this ONE THING that could turn the tables on infertility, that could super-charge their natural fertility and help them have the family they longed for.

My class below is going to give you that ONE THING that will boost your natural fertility by up to 70%.

This May Be the Most Important Video You Ever Watch

Putting You in The Drivers Seat

So many patients come to me feeling helpless. They feel the don't understand why things aren't working for them, as everyone around them seems to fall pregnant so easily. Doctor's are dismissive and treatments are performed on them which often don't work. That changes now. I am going to give YOU the tool effectively treat yourself. YOU can do something about this. You can take action to fix your fertility.

A Clear Action Plan

Dealing with fertility problems is COMPLICATED. But I am going to cut through all that and focus on ONE THING that can improve your natural fertility by 70%. It is simple, effective, and you already have access to it. You don't need to buy anything, no herbs, supplements, crazy diets, expensive treatments, injections, extractions or procedures. If you're reading this now - you can do this.

It Actually Works!

The average Fertility clinic live birth rate is just 20.2%. My clinic has an 82% live birth rate. The method I will show you here can be applied to anyone and is proven (Westergaard L et al, Fertility and Sterility 2006 Vol 85) to increase natural fertility by up to 70%.

Here is What To Do In Three Easy Steps.


Step 1: Watch the Class

Click the Watch the Class, Free Button right now. The class is about 30-minutes in length. There is no fluff, no filler, neither of us have time for that. I'm gong to give you a complete plan in the video.


Step 2: Read the Notes

You don't have to take notes on the class. I've done that for you. I'm going to email you a summary of the key points and a breakdown of the simple steps and actions you need to take. Photos included.


Step 3: Book a Free Call

In this class I am gong to give you a general solution that will help everybody - but if you want a specific plan, tailored for you, book a 15-minute discovery call. That call is free. And I can give you additional steps, specific to your situation.

You Have Not Failed. You Are Not Broken.

You Have Been Failed.

Failed by Doctors Whose Focus is to Get You to Spend Upwards of $12,000 per IVF Cycle, When They Know the Chance of Success is Just 20.2% on Average.

Sarah (name changed for privacy) came into my clinic, a seemingly broken woman. She had been

failed utterly by the health community and fertility centres. As we spoke my heart broke for her. She

had been through two failed IVF’s. On her first IVF cycle they stimulated here with drugs, to produce 15 eggs

which led to 10 embryo’s, none of whom made it to day 3.

They were advised to immediately launch into a second round of IVF, before she had been given the

opportunity to deal with the disappointment and failure of the first IVF round. In this second round,

she was again pumped full of drugs, dealing with injections, cramps, bloating, pain, mood swings and all still while trying to process the invasive and unfortunate failure of the first IVF round.

This time she produced 8 eggs. And a large cyst due to the medication. That produced 5 embryo’s.

All of whom the doctors told her were of very poor quality. None made it to day 3.

The doctors then delivered devastating news. Her AMH (anti-mullerian hormone) was at 0.1 ng/ml. The normal range is between 1.5 and 4.5 ng/ml. The doctors told her, she had practically no eggs left. That the remaining eggs she had were of incredibly poor quality. They told her there was no way she would be pregnant with her own eggs.

They recommended egg donation.

Aoife was devastated hearing this.

She was devastated telling me this.

Before the hardship of the IVF treatments, she had been through a battery of tests, including AMH tests which had shown a 0.7 result prior to IVF, she had also had a laparoscopy to treat her Endometriosis, sadly here too she had been failed. She had received poor after care post surgery and this lead to a severe infection that had left her in hospital, weak and in pain for over a week.

I meet her 6 months after she had been left recovering from that surgery, left with that infection and left with the devastation of 2 failed IVF’s and no hope of getting pregnant with her own eggs at 37 years of age.

8 weeks after meeting her, and following my methods, she was pregnant naturally. In July of last year she delivered a happy healthy baby girl. Her daughters picture sits on the table of my clinic. This week, as I write this, I am happy to announce she is 13 weeks pregnant with baby no.2.

I’d like to tell you how this happened and show you, how you can do the same.

When I meet Sarah, I listened. She was, as she said first to me trying to do the impossible. Improve her egg quality and get pregnant naturally. The doctors told her this wasn’t possible....but she was trying everything. She was talking a large amount of supplements, DHEA, CQ10, Folic Acid, Vitamin D, Vitamin B, Fertility Support supplements and fish oils.

She had a history of recurrent Kidney infections, and a long history of painful periods, likely due to the Endometriosis. I told her I was going to ask her a load of questions; some of which would make sense, some which would make no sense whatsoever, but it would all make sense to me. I would ask questions her fertility doctors never thought to ask. And with that I would make a diagnosis, I would tell her why this had happened, what was going wrong....but more importantly I would tell her how we would correct this.

I learned she was thirsty a lot, and took water to bed, but did not drink it. She had low back pain, and would wake during the night to urinate.

She had frequent dreams and would sometimes miss words in a conversation. She had headaches and migraines, and often felt sad.

She often had abdominal bloating and was tired after eating, and she worried a lot. At night she would play movies in her head going over the events and conversation so the day and worrying about tomorrow.

Before her periods she would suffer with irritation, water retention sore, swollen breasts and anxiety. The periods themselves would last for 4 days and often have dark clots with great pain.

Her fertility doctors didn’t care about her low back pain, or that she woke during the night to pee.

But I did because I knew what that meant to her reproductive health and the health of her Kidneys, in particular how this would relate to problems with implantation and maintaining a pregnancy. The doctors didn’t realise how the dreaming and missed words related to problems with the thyroid and the transition between the development of her eggs in the follicular phase and maintenance of a pregnancy in the luteal phase.

The doctors didn’t realise the significance of the boating and fatigue after eating, but I knew how this would connect to the development of Endometriosis and how that would cause poor egg size and quality.

The doctors dismissed the headaches and dry eyes, not understanding how this related to the clotting in the period, her pain and the poor egg quality.

They failed her. They cost her thousands, hundreds of hours, years of her fertility, and more importantly they took from her, her self esteem, her hope.

And this is where I met her. At the lowest point in her life. So I focused on building her back up with ONE THING to start. A simple practice that takes less than 5-minutes and can be done anywhere. I know how to do this because I have spent nearly 20-years as the leading natural fertility expert in Ireland. My live birth rate is a staggering 84%. I have been featured countless times in the national press (Irish Independent, Evening Herald, Irish Daily Mirror, Sunday World, Irish Examiner and more. I've been featured on City Channel, TV3, RTE, and spoken at University College Dublin and Dublin City University and recently was at Ireland's First Fertility Show).

8 weeks later, Sarah was pregnant with her own little miracle. She a wonderful beautiful baby girl. And is now back with me again for her second baby. :-)

Research shows that women, like Sarah, especially those over 35, will require multiple IVF cycles, in some cases up to 10 cycles of treatment. In the US, an average “fresh” IVF cycle costs $12,000, before medications, which typically run another $3,000 to $5,000. And some women are expected to do this up to 10 times? It’s appalling....and there is a BETTER WAY!

And here is it is. This is what I want you to do next.

First, watch the class linked below. This let's you see how I work and make sure that this really is what you're looking for.

During the class I'll give you a complete technique, that you can do anywhere, that is suitable for everyone, that will boost your Natural Fertility and cost you nothing.

There's no hard selling and I promise I won't call you on the phone and bother you. I have spent nearly 2 decades helping people have the children they never thought they would have. I love doing this. And I am more than happy to share this information.

Next, I'll email you the notes from this class. You have enough to be worrying about, you don't need the pressure and hassle of takin notes. I have them for you. I've summarised the important points and have put it into a pdf. Make sure to give me your best email so I get this to you. The technique in this guide may be all you need. A friend of my wife was over in our house one afternoon when I came back from my martial arts practice. She was upset. She had been confiding in my wife that she had been struggling to conceive for years. I listened carefully and gave her ONE THING to do. She did it. A month later, she was pregnant and went on to have a beautiful baby boy.

Finally, if, you need more personalised help, and want my advice you can book a a free 15-minute discovery call with me. I can give you additional steps, specific to your situation and see if you'd be a good fit for my fertility coaching services.

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